
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

[My Project Notebook]

I always have a ton of decorating and DIY ideas floating around in my head.  Many of them end up in my project notebook that I keep in my nightstand.  I thought it would be fun if I shared some of my ideas with you all each week.

This week, even though I am working on unrelated projects, I keep dreaming about changes I want to make to my kitchen cabinets.  Here is what I am thinking:

1.  Using an existing cabinet as open shelving.


2.  Turning basic bottom cabinets into furniture pieces.


3.  Glass knobs + chrome cup pulls would be fantastic, especially since we do not even have any hardware now.


4.  Replacing the cabinet doors under the sink with fabric.


5.  Contrasting dark walls mixed with white cabinets.


What do you think?  And what projects have you been planning out in your head or on paper lately?  To see more kitchen inspirations visit my The Perfect Kitchen board on Pinterest.



  1. Beautiful I always have liked this kind of decoration


  2. Hi Angela! I have one of those too:). It floats through the house & when I can't find it, I simply start a new one. I am like you, I need to write these things down. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing! Happy Fall, Jen

  3. Hi Angela, I don't keep notebooks on my house anymore but I used to. Every time I see an old one it reminds me how much we've accomplished. Fun. I love your ideas.

  4. The only picture you have here that I didn't immediately say ahh I wish I could do that, would be the picture of the fabric under the sink. It would constantly need cleaned here or would get wet on a regular basis which would drive me nuts.

    I too had a notebook for years. I took a 3 subject spiral notebook and taped the pictures I had collected on both the front and backs of every page. My daughter-in-law adopted it when I decided to let it go.

    Renting I can't make too many changes here, but coming up will be the bathroom. As this was one time a hotel, the bathroom is dated and hideous. I can't pull anything out, but I can paint. So the fixtures, mirror and walls will be getting a fresh updated look this fall, or at least before Christmas!

  5. I think my project list or hope list has grown exponentially thanks to your inspiring ideas. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your project notebook..which I love that you keep it by the side of your bed. Great pictures, great ideas...I am inspired.

  6. I do love the look of the cake plate display!


Thank you so much for stopping by Number Fifty-Three! I look forward to your comments.