Monday, November 26, 2012

DIY Cranberry & Bay Leaf Garland

Last week, just before Thanksgiving, while I was at BJs lamenting over the fact that they had run out of my absolute favorite fall vegetable (Brussels sprout, FYI), I decided that, since I was already there, I would pick up a huge bag of cranberries for sauce and baking and a container of bay leaves.

I decided to string these two finds together into an easy and natural garland for my holiday mantel.

I measured out my string for a rough idea of how long I wanted the garland. (I always use dental floss when I make a garland, by the way.)

Then, using a medium sized needle, I strung the bay leaves and cranberries, making sure I started and finished with the leaves.

Doesn't it look gorgeous draped underneath my mantel up against the stark white brick?

This project totally brought back memories for me of stringing cranberries and popcorn for our Christmas tree growing up. Did anyone else ever do that?

Linking to: DIY Show OffUndertheTableandDreamingMod Vintage Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia52 MantelsBeyond The Picket FencePhotobucket A Delightsome Life Rooted In Thymevif187Liz Marie Blog Junk's Sat Nite Special A Delightsome LifeBoogieboard Cottage”FallFridays Unfolded A Diamond in the StuffHoliday


  1. This is gorgeous! I grew up in Seattle, and the only cranberries I ever knew about were pureed in a can! Since living in New England though.....we eat cranberries every day now! We love em! I may have to go get some bay leaves now!

  2. Love this and the tip on using dental floss it a keeper!

  3. O' I'm loving the way the bay leaf shows up so well with the cranberry's.Looks so pretty and I bet it smells wonderful.We never strung cranberry's but I wanting to try for sure after seeing this gorgeous,easy beauty!!

  4. Very pretty! I have strung popcorn but not cranberries.

  5. I have never strung food for a tree long will it last? It looks beautiful and fresh!

  6. That really looks so pretty! What a great idea!

  7. It's so pretty! I recently made a garland with peppers, if you want to take a look

  8. I love this garland, the bayleaf looks so fabulous. Great job.


  9. Hi Angela, Your garland is beautiful. I like your idea of using dental floss. I didn't string popcorn for my tree until I was in my twenties but always enjoyed it. Maybe it's time to string some again. Thanks for your lovely blog.

  10. I love your garland. We used to string cranberries and popcorn every year as a kid. We also used to make construction paper chains for our trees. Ahhhh, the memories!!

  11. This is so cute! I never would have thought to use cranberries, but I love it! Last year I did string some popcorn for our tree. It was the first year I'd ever tried it and I really like how it turned out.

  12. It looks gorgeous! I think you've inspired me to make a cranberry garland. :-)

  13. It's beautiful! I've never done the cranberry thing, although we just did some popcorn for the first time this year. How long do the cranberries last?

  14. Beautiful....I'd like to try that sometime!

  15. This is so beautiful!! I'm your newest follower from "52 Mantels" blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:

  16. Looks great! Very creative! Would love if you'd join our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)

  17. I love this!! Actually my husband strings cranberries or cranberries and popcorn almost every year. Good man he is. It's actually on his to-do list for tomorrow...his day off! I just might need to add some bay leaves...this would be perfect as a garland over the kitchen window.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  18. The popcorn yes, but not the cranberries. Tell me
    will the cranberries dry and look just as nice. I'd
    have to save them.. in fact I'm going out to get some
    and make garland..
    So pretty.

  19. Love it! So Simple and so pretty...Not to mention, cranberries are one of my very most favorite Christmas decorating props! Thank you for sharing!

  20. Your garland is just beautiful. I love the red against the white!

  21. Sure do remember!!
    Using cranberries in my decor for my holiday party this weekend!

  22. That is so sweet! The combination of the cranberries and bay leaves is perfect and it looks lovely. Thank you so much for linking it up to Inspiration Friday this week!

  23. How timely! I was just wondering how to make a cranberry garland to add to my kitchen tree. Thanks for the info! Yours is LOVELY!

  24. "Simply" beautiful. love the green and dark red on the white fireplace brick!!

  25. Angela that is so beautiful! Simple and natural...can't beat that!

  26. Angela, Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful garland on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Love the combination of bay leaves and cranberries!


  27. This garland is so simple but the perfect festive holiday colors! Stopped by from the Winthrop Chronicles and I'm a new follower :) Happy Tuesday!

  28. That is gorgeous! I have a bag of cranberries in my fridge right now. I may have to copy you :)

  29. So creative! Looks great! Would love if you'd join our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)

  30. Simply perfect Angela... I'll be featuring this at tomorrow's Shabbilicious Friday party.

  31. Love this! Simple and elegant!

  32. This is too cute! Bay leaves remind me so much of my grandmother. Thanks for bringing back holiday memories and for linking up at A Crafty Christmas!

  33. Oh, I love the idea of using dental floss as string.
    Pinned you...
    And, gave you a little bump on our FB page :)
    ~ Dana

  34. This is so simple and sweet. Absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for linking up to our party!!

  35. It looks great! I don't know if I'd have the patience for it, but it's worth it!


  36. I have vivid memories of my mother making popcorn especially for stringing. Then I have nightmares about having to put the strands of tinsel on the tree Remember that? Anyway, I love the cranberries combined with bay leaves. So Christmasy and I bet it smells wonderful too! Thank you so much for linking up to the Better Late Than Never Christmas Inspirations bloghop.

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