
Thursday, November 8, 2012

[Project Notebook] and a Winner!

(I always have a ton of decorating and DIY ideas floating around in my head. Many of them end up in my project notebook that I keep in my nightstand. I thought it would be fun if I shared some of my ideas with you all each week.)

This week I'm thinking about simple Thanksgiving decor. I don't want to rush this season one bit. I love this time of year, even more so than Christmas. I plan to incorporate some of the following into our home:

1.  A thankful tree--I love the idea of this!


2.  Decorating with pumpkins, leaves and wheat.

3.  Cranberry pie. (This is my family's favorite T-day dessert!)


4.  Tourtiere (Meat Pie). There is not a Thanksgiving Eve that goes by where my Mom doesn't make my favorite meal of all time. I can't find a recipe online that is simple as the one my Mom makes, but this one comes close.

5.  Gorgeous and simple paper chain.  A different take on the thankful tree idea that I absolutely love!


Lastly, thank you to everyone who entered my latest contest!  The winner of the Ramsign house number sign is...Lisa from Lisa Goulet Design! Congratulations!


  1. I love all of these. I really like the idea of decorating with pumpkins and wheat ~ it just looks so pretty. That pie looks delicious, too.

  2. Beautiful inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So pretty! And I'm thrilled to be the winner of the Ramsign house number, now just to decide if I want a sign for my cottage or home!

  4. The thankful tree is such a great idea! It looks so cute, too.

  5. I love it!!! I think that is going to be a new tradition, thank you for the great idea Angela!!

  6. Love all the features thanks for sharing with us and thank you for leaving a sweet note on my blog.

  7. Love these features! I especially love the pumpkins and the Thankful tree! great ideas. Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Angela, Yum, that cranberry pie looks delicious! As always, I enjoy your project notebook. Congrats to the Ramsign winner. I have a Ramsign and I couldn't decide where to put it outside so it's on my hutch. The number 53. Love it where it is so much I'm leaving there.

  9. So many great ideas! I'd love to try the cranberry pie!! The meat pie looks great! My mom grew up in Grass Valley, California where there we many Cornish settlers. Pastie was common place there and my mom always made a cornish pastie pie for my birthday!


Thank you so much for stopping by Number Fifty-Three! I look forward to your comments.