
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Planter with Moss & Bark



Last week, my boys asked me to bring them down to the end of our street. This is seriously one of my favorite things to do. 
We live in a small city, so our yard it kind of tiny. Actually, it's tiny and hilly so not always the most conducive to playing and running around.
But, at the end of our street is this place my boys call the monuments.  It's sort of this large cobblestone circle with statues commemorating soldiers who fought in various wars. They like to go there and walk around calmly and examine each statue run around or ride their bikes like complete maniacs.  And attached to the monuments is this huge plot of land and a beautiful old school that is in transition.

So, pretty much when I bring them to this place there is no point in me trying to keep up (they're never really out of sight) because as Antonio, my oldest, told me, "We are kids and need to get our energies out." 

What I love about this area is that it is filled with all kinds of mature trees. It's actually my go to place when I need large branches, twigs, pine cones or vines for a project.  So, while my boys were running around I went exploring and found a huge tree that is in obvious need of being taken down.  The bark had come right off the branches in many spots so I was able to collect a good amount before I met up with my boys again. 
So, as we are continuing on with our walk we meet up with this seriously creepy guy and his dog. Of course the guy proceeds to ask me what I plan to do with the bark. I just yell, "Not sure. We'll see." over my shoulder as I continue to walk away with Antonio and Gennaro. Obviously, (and I'm saying this so sarcastically) at this point Antonio stops, looks at the guy and says, "Well, my Mom is a blogger. So she is going to probably make some sort of craft." OK, so that left the creepy guy totally confused.  Seriously, he tells everyone I have a blog.

Our walk continued around the huge school building and who do we bump into  coming around the other side of the school? Totally that creepy guy again. Who, despite me carrying the bark, didn't seem to recognize us from 5 minutes before and started an entirely new conversation with us again while I stood there terrified because his dog wouldn't stop sniffing me. (I'm pretty much scared of dogs, which is why I have a cat.)

On our way back home we made one more pass through the monuments where I collected a few pieces of moss that was growing in between the bricks on the ground. 

And this is what I do on days when I want to make something and not spend money or not drag my kids to the craft store.   The project is pretty self explanatory, right? Secure bark to terracotta pot with twine (I used a rubber band first to keep everything secure.) Then, plant the moss and water well.

P.S. I made this project over a week ago and have been frequently watering the moss and it looks exactly the same! I'm curious to see how long it lasts.

Linking to:
DIY Show Off Mod Vintage Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia52 MantelsBeyond The Picket FencePhotobucket A Delightsome Life Rooted In Thymevif187Liz Marie Blog Boogieboard Cottage”FallFridays Unfolded



  1. i love this idea! love the bark! and i love how antonio explained to the creepy guy about you blogging.... kids are hysterical! no filters!

  2. Kids are so honest and tell it like it is! Glad they were with you when you saw him!
    Love what you did with the bark and moss, I'm going to look for it on my on property, we should have some around here:) Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Angela! I love this project as I have a bucket filled with tree bark that I picked up in the woods and I know where I can harvest some magical moss!
    I'm sure Mother Nature won't mind me helping myself to some!!
    A true nature lover.

  4. Wow, I keep seeing little moss projects everywhere - and your pot is great looking (and I always prefer to work with natural materils instead of plastic)! Thank you for your input, I just opened a Bloglovin account and it imported all my Google Reader list - so now I've kept all my reads and I can offer a new way of connection, especially for readers who don't have a blog :)

  5. Kids crack me up, they are so honest. I love it. Love the bark around the pot, great idea.



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