
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Simple Easter Egg Tree Craft

Hi everyone! I can't believe it's already Thursday. This week has flown by!
The boys and I have been busy with school; we're using this as a catch-up week and a going on field trips week.
I've also found several great pieces at thrift stores and on craigslist to refurbish so I've been busy painting.
The other day I took a break from furniture to make this sweet little Easter egg tree.

I simply started with some craft eggs that I found at Michaels

I gave them a couple of coats of paint; just using some plain white craft paint. I chose to do this so that when I added on my color it would be more crisp and bright.
When the white was dry, I painted the eggs with Martha Stewart Crafts paint in Cloud, a beautiful light blue.  While the paint was still wet, I sprinkled on Martha Stewart Crafts Coarse Glitter.

Lastly, I wrapped each dry egg in twine, knotted it and hung it on some branches that I placed in an old silver coffee pot.  I love the sculptural effect and how it blends so beautifully with my aqua bowl and accent pillow.

So, after I photographed this my boys, Mom and I headed out for an afternoon at a science museum and thrift store shopping.  Several hours into the trip, just as we were crossing the border back into Massachusetts from Connecticut, I had the worst feeling.  Like maybe I shouldn't have left the eggs and twigs on the coffee table because a certain cat has no self control.
Yeah. My feeling was spot-on. We totally came home to find twigs, eggs and twine strewn across the living room.  Luckily, nothing was broken and I was able to reassemble. I am not kidding when I say that I have to baby proof for this cat way more than I did when my own boys were little. Crazy.
Have a great day!
P.S. One of the bloggers that I completely look up to and whose blog I find so inspiring is Roeshel at The DIY Showoff.  So, imagine my excitement last night when I discovered that she had featured me and my blog.  Totally a surprise that made my entire week!  You can check it out here.

Linking to:
DIY Show Off Mod Vintage Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia52 MantelsBeyond The Picket FencePhotobucket A Delightsome Life vif187 Boogieboard Cottage”Fall

Green Willow PondWorking With What You Have link up at


  1. Very pretty Angela! I love the silver teapot you have it in and I love that trunk!

  2. I love this! So simple and pretty.
    Jamie @
    PS: I seem to always click your links at parties, I love your blog

  3. So neat, love the Martha Stewart Paint...Cloud!

  4. So cute - I think your cat needs some of my Easter grass - i used cat grass! That would have kept him from your eggs!

  5. This is so sweet and the teapot is great!


  6. LOVE your egg tree, and your adorable cat. twigs are like catnip, can't be left alone!!


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