
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Vintage Gold Dresser & My Furniture Checklist

Doesn't it feel like forever since I shared a piece of furniture with you all? I know, I've sort of been on a crafting kick lately. But, I have still been filling my days with painting; mostly working on finishing custom orders.  There has been one exception, though. I had been looking for a dresser for our upstairs hall.  I wanted something long and low to brighten up the space and make it easier to decorate seasonally.

I found the most perfect piece of furniture on craigslist and, this is so random, but I ended up buying it from a friend's Mom. I love when things like that happen! (Here's the before.)
Seriously, though. This dresser ticks off every little box on my wish list of furniture.
1. It's vintage.
2.  It has gorgeous detailing (check out the carvings on the drawers).
3. It has ridiculously cool feet.
4. It's on casters.
5. It has all its original hardware.
So, I knew I wanted to paint it a light color, but not necessarily cream. Plus, I wanted to bring a bit of a golden hue to the upstairs hall. I ended up finding this gorgeous, creamy yellowish color called Vintage Gold by Valspar. And. It. Is. Perfect.
I actually, did something that I'm not sure I've ever done before. I did not distress it. Not even the tiniest little bit. I just really loved the look of the pristine finish.
On a side note, I had also very seriously considered painting the walls an almost black (Valspar's Lincoln Cottage Black here). But, ultimately decided against it because I thought the transition from the stairway would be awkward, and I really love the bright, almost stark look as it is now. What do you all think?




Linking to: 

startathomeAll Things Thursday Blog Hop


  1. I think it is just wonderful! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. love it angela. and btw, i think our furniture check lists look pretty similar - you put casters (vintage) on anything and i'm sold...

  3. so pretty! i love he contrast of the hardware!

  4. I think it is perfect as is!! What an absolute find! Goodness is that piece gorgeous and you soooooo nailed the color! Ah I wish our hall was big enough for a cool piece but sadly it is not!!! Have an outstanding day!!!

  5. what a cool dresser! I love the carvings in it, and the light color really brings them out :)

  6. I have never seen carvings like that on a piece of furniture - it is gorgeous! And the color you chose is absolutely perfect. Oh, how I wish I could hire you to paint so many pieces of furniture in my house! Not sure about that almost-black color for the walls...I think I'd need to see the entire space and the staircase area leading up to it. I think you're probably better off sticking to the white though.

  7. I think it looks great. A whole new life for it. And I like your light walls. If you like you could share this at my link party tomorrow, We Call It Olde, live at 5am EST on Tuesday. Take care - Dawn @ We Call It

  8. I love the criteria! That is all of my wish list too. Sharing at my party at Redoux. Starts early tomorrow night at 5:00, thanks for sharing!

  9. I love the style of the dresser and the color you choose . Thanks for always sharing your paint colors.
    I would leave your walls just the way they are. .


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