
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Inspiring Bloggers Series: Furniture-Ology

I'm super excited to introduce you all to my next feature in my Inspiring Bloggers Series! I love, love, love Furniture-Ology! They completely had me at their fab chalkboard wall. Welcome Steve and Meg!

Hello! Hello!
We’re Steve and Meg and we’ve been do it your-selfers for many, many years now. We blog over at where we post our transformations, DIY projects and our favorite design inspirations.
We were beyond excited and honored when Angela asked us to participate in her inspiring bloggers series
I happened upon Angela's Blog several months ago when I started linking/sharing our projects at various blog parties. I spotted a few of her pieces which peaked my curiosity. I started following her Blog and Facebook pages and fell in love immediately!! I love her ideas, creativity and style!

I racked and racked my brain for ideas for a blog post….

Something that we could use to introduce ourselves and share what it is we are passionate about.

We decided to share with you a few of our favorite furniture rescues as well as a few of our favorite recent home projects.

So here goes….

We chose three furniture flips that were our favorites.

Which was hard to do because we love them all so much!

First up is Little Boy Blue.

We picked this guy up on a road trip through Mississippi a couple of years ago.

Blog post seen here



Another one of our favorites and my favorite by far is this vanity table we snagged at the Kane County Flea Market in Illinois for only $10 bucks!

Blog post seen here

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And check out the repairs that Steve made to this drum table for a customer of ours!!

Mad crazy talent!!!

Blog post seen here



We also chose three (maybe four)of our favorite recent home projects.

My favorite is our chalk board wall that we created in our Living Room.

Blog post seen here 

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And here


And here


And last but not least here


Another one of our favorites is our $5 linen closet makeover.

Blog post seen here


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And I’m loving the dutch door that we made out of our old laundry room/mud room door.

Blog post seen here


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I just couldn’t stop at three!

I had to share with you our closet renovation and the amazing coffered ceiling that Steve made for next to nothing with leftover wood from the demolition.

The never ending project!

We need to set some time aside and just get it done!

Blog post seen here

and here


(Bad cell phone pics!)





We hope you enjoyed this long but hopefully enjoyable introduction to our world.

And thanks again Angela for featuring our Blog :)

We are tickled pink to be a part of your Inspiring Bloggers Series!!

Welcome to Furniture-Ology!

Steve and Meg

Seriously. Are you not amazed by their talent and creativity? It's crazy good.

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  1. Oh my goodness Angela, they are amazing!!! I still can't believe that vanity table. Thanks for the intro!

  2. oh i love that chalkboard wall! hello gorgeous!

  3. This blog is new to me, but it looks like it is full of creativity! I will have to check it out ;) xo Kristin

  4. Thanks again Angela! :) We are super excited to be part of your series!! :) :) Love everything you do!! You have that magic touch :)

  5. They had me at the 1st dresser - love!

  6. One of my most favorite bloggers ever!!! So much inspiration and there is no doubt Steve and Meg love what they do! Great series Angela!!

  7. WOW, so good! That vanity table, are you kidding me. Serious skills!

  8. LOVE their style! I too was drawn in with that chalkboard wall! Perfect! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  9. The furniture is looking amazing and I would like to have it.
    Neoteric Furniture Collection


Thank you so much for stopping by Number Fifty-Three! I look forward to your comments.