
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Storage Solutions for Older Homes

I really love that we own an older home. There is so much character and history and I'm in love with all the little details we have (like an archway and a curved front door).
What is not so fantastic about an older home is the lack of storage.  As it turns out, people 70+ years ago really didn't have a huge need for closet space.  As a family, we need lots of storage and I don't necessarily want to relegate everything to the basement. Do you have a similar problem, too?

 I also feel like, when you have an older home you need to be more cognizant of the changes that you make. We personally like our projects (and a lot of our furnishings/accessories) to be reminiscent to the period of our home and to blend in as if they have always had a place there.

I've recently been searching out some storage solutions for older homes (like mine) and have created this curated little group of my favorites...














 Two that are on my radar right now are built in cabinets and bookcases. I see both (hopefully) happening within the year. What do you all think? Do you have any fun storage projects planned?




  1. I have always loved the "cloffice" idea :) xo Kristin

  2. Love the shelving up the stairs and the fireplace is kinda really awesome too!

  3. love you pics and i love my older home too (a little younger than yours though at 50 years). i will have to show you a little trick we came up with (i'm sure we weren't the 1st though), we took older 9' ikea closet components which my parents were getting rid of and installed them in our hall closet just outside the kitchen (of course we had to do a little demo on the closet and then install custom doors - made by daddy dear). now we have a pantry that runs floor to ceiling with drawers and shelves and even a little side component for our vacuum and cleaning supplies (why didn't they have broom closets back then??). Anyway, it solved all kinds of issues and all it cost us was labour. The other thing I've been trying and struggling with is just getting rid of and stopping the accumulation of stuff - now that's been a struggle!

  4. So many fun storage ideas! I love the drawers built into the stairs. We've got an old house with storage issues, so I'm always looking for good ideas. Thanks for sharing and if you've got time, swing over to my latest post to see my new/old storage cupboard.

  5. Angela, I sure do . When I lived in town, I had found where everything could go. Now we have a basement and I can never find anything. Bummer. I went to the Breakers in Newport R.I. You know that big fancy Vanderbuilt mansion. Rooms 12-15 feet tall. Ornate beyond imagination. The tiniest closets I had ever seen. But way back then people didn't have tons of clothes or shoes. No big need for lots of know . But I will say they had the biggest and best collection of copper cooking pots. Huge. Good luck with all your too. xoxo,Susie

  6. So many great storage solutions. I love the one with the grocery sign, so cool. My brother lives in a very old home and the character is amazing but the y have the same issues. They have added on since and have a few more closets but the y still have to be creative.


  7. We have a garage, a basement, and a million closets (upstairs anyway), and I STILL feel like I'm always on the hunt for new ways to store things! Incidentally, you call it a basement? Everyone I know from MA says cellar....interesting!


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