
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

[Project Notebook] Wallpaper

Lately, I have been really coveting rooms that have wallpaper. They seem to be gaining popularity again, design-wise, and not in that wallpaper-plus-border look of the 1980s that, in hindsight, was a bit over the top.
And, I know this could totally be a DIY project, but in reality I will most likely save my pennies and hire a professional because I would be in a complete panic over getting everything lined up properly and without visible seams.
I would love it to be a neutral print (probably focusing on the gray/white/black color palette).
Also, I'm thinking just an accent wall will suffice. My current thinking is the wall behind the bed in our master bedroom (we recently got a new mattress and have been tweaking that room) or the wall in our entry where the gold settee is.
Here are some patterns that I currently love (and this post is just really me thinking out loud because I am nowhere near ready to tackle this project yet!) But, I think #4 is my fav!
1 Source  2 Source  3 Source  4 Source  5 Source



  1. i would love to paper somewhere but all the paper i like is way more expensive than paint! ;)

  2. We are on the same wavelength...I just bought some great wallpaper for my dining room yesterday...I found it at Bouclair Home store here in Canada...they don't carry a lot of choice, but the ones they have are gorgeous!!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  3. Hi Angela, The last time I wallpapered, I said I'd never try to wallpaper again. The job was so difficult and the results not so great. Also, it's too expensive. I would stencil rather than wallpaper. Just an idea.


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