
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Repurposed Card Catalogue

Hi there! I'm just stopping in to quickly share an absolutely fantastic find my husband and I purchased this past weekend.  Remember that tag sale I had gone to a few months back at the Catholic school that had closed?  You can read about it here and here.  Well, on Saturday and Sunday they had one last Everything Must Go sale and so, of course, we stopped over.

And we purchased this card catalogue for $7.50! I have always loved them and this one is particularly cool because it is actually three sets of drawers on a metal stand. It was in perfect condition and just needed a good dusting.

Can you believe the price? The pricing of the items there, from the very beginning of their sales in early summer have been beyond bizarre and I have walked away with some pretty unique items for not a lot of money.

As you can see, we have it in our living room right now and it is holding our sons' DVDs. Perfect, discreet, organized storage.

Also, don't forget to stop by tomorrow at noon to see my completed painting project!  I'm so excited to share and you will even get a chance to win your own paint.
The Chicken Chick
52 Mantels

52 Mantels
52 Mantels




  1. That card catalog is fantastic! And what a great idea for the dvds! Yay!

  2. Love the card catalog! A great find!

  3. You got a fantastic deal on that card catalog. It's the perfect addition to your room and the perfect storage solution.

  4. i'm a little green with envy over here!!!! love it!

  5. Wow, what a steal! It's SUCH a fun piece!! :)

  6. Angela, You and your husband scored BIG with that file cabinet! I love the way it's on a stand with legs. Perfect for so many uses.
    Mary Alice

  7. Hello Angela, I love your card catalogue ("fichero" here) very much.
    Great find! Congratulations!
    Besos, Silvina

  8. Wow super jealous! Awesome find! Traci

  9. Thanks for sharing. I was obsessed with being an author when I was in elementary school (I AM one now), so I wrote a book and had the librarian put it in the library for other kids to check out...THUS, I had a little card for the card catalog! I'm warmed by your appreciation for this old piece. :)

    Come on over to!

    Blessings from Oklahoma,

  10. Hi hope you can join my linky party Welcome Home Wednesday at Debbie

  11. A fantastic find and I can't believe the price...good for you!

  12. Great find, I love this and what way to use it, for DVD's.


  13. What a fabulous piece! Great deal! I'm always on the lookout for vintage card catalogues.

  14. i posted my card catalog as well, count us amount the lucky ones:)

  15. I have been looking for a card catalog cabinet forever and the cards that went in them. To my horror our library told me they threw them out!!! I love yours - they are so versatile.

  16. Love the card catalog. I get so excited when I find good deals like that!

    Would love for you to share this at my very first linky party. My sister and I are working together over at “Think Tank Thursday”…hope to see you there!

  17. You got a real deal! I wanna go shopping with you next time :)

    Thank you for linking up at the Wildly Original party!
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  18. Thanks so much for sharing your repurposed card catalogue on Simple & Sweet Fridays. What a great find! Love where you put it.


  19. Angela, this is gorgeous - I love old card catalogs - love how you've decorated it - fantastic deal! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Thank you so much for stopping by Number Fifty-Three! I look forward to your comments.