
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Easy, Vintage Holiday Decorating

We're full-on holiday decorating over here and my absolute favorite decorations for the season are vintage ornaments.

I replaced the teal colored candles in our dining room (seen here) with vintage ornaments in silver, aqua and blue.

A few years ago we got two big boxes of vintage ornaments for just a few dollars a tag sale in our neighborhood.

I love how the ornaments fit perfectly in the candle holders!

Every corner of our dining room is glittering with Christmas decorations and I can't wait to share more with you all. I just wish we would get some sunny days so photographing everything would be a bit easier!

Last thing, if you follow me on Facebook, you may have already seen our early Christmas present.  Introducing.....

...Figaro Newton Santaniello!  We are so totally in love with this little shelter cat already and are so thrilled to be giving him a second chance!
Have a great week!

Linking to: DIY Show OffUndertheTableandDreamingMod Vintage Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia52 MantelsBeyond The Picket FencePhotobucket A Delightsome Life Rooted In Thymevif187Liz Marie Blog Junk's Sat Nite Special A Delightsome LifeBoogieboard Cottage”FallFridays Unfolded A Diamond in the Stuff


  1. Looks great! Love that buffet. What a beautiful piece!

  2. I love how you used the ornaments! They look so great in the candle holders.

    And I love the kitty! So cute! Good for you for getting a shelter cat :)

  3. That's a really clever way to use candlesticks. I like the look!

  4. That's a creative way to display your beautiful vintage ornaments!

  5. I will admit i plan to steal this idea for next year. I usually just dump my vintage ornaments in a bowl! Love Figaro in his tuxedo fur - how great to give the gift of a home to a shelter animal for Christmas.

  6. I love how you don't even have to put the cande holders away, just put the ornaments in them. And it's also handy to find the ornaments at a tag sale. Very pretty, Angela.

  7. How cute is your new little guy! We had a big gray cat named Figaro when I was growing up. What fun! I love how you grouped your candlesticks. I've seen 2 or 3 with ornaments on top, but in mass they look fantastic! I'm pinning this so I'll remember to do this somewhere.

  8. Of what pretty vintage ornaments and such a lovely way to display them!

  9. This is such a great idea, I love the vintage ornaments and the colors are fantastic.


  10. good luck with display after adopting this cat! my two would have a field day, but i love the look of it!

  11. Welcome to Figaro! Shelter kitties are the best. Love the old ornaments too : ). Patty/BC

  12. Lovely vintage ornaments, and congrats on the newest feline member of your family!

  13. Lovely way to display the ornaments! Figaro will have a ball with them! Oh Dear!

  14. Congratulations on your new addition! So wonderful to give him a second chance. And I am loving the vintage ornaments and your novel way to showcase them.

  15. Great idea putting the beautiful ornaments on the candlesticks! The very best decoration is a cat and Figaro is a darling. I thought we had already joined your site since you are in our list of Great blogs but I will make sure we join today. We would love it if you would visit us and join us as well.

    Linda At the French Hen's Nest

  16. Angela your cat is adorable! I'm a big fan of giving kitties a 2nd chance at life! I love the idea of putting the ornaments on top of candle holders like that...great way to showcase them!

    hugs, Linda

  17. I love black and white kitties ! Of course, I love them in any color. thank you for giving this lucky guy a forever home. I'm sure he will be eternally grateful! Lucky you !

  18. I have a bunch of vintage ornaments and now I can't wait to use them with some candle sticks.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. I love your vintage ornaments. My family has finally become resigned to me loving old, faded ornaments more than new ones. You just can't find the colors in new ones that you show on top of your candlesticks!

  20. Oh, Angela, how I love your Christmas gift to yourself (your kitty). Bless you for rescuing and saving a life! I love the blue ornaments too. Very pretty!
    p.s. I am getting a puppy for Christmas!

  21. Beautiful, love the color of the blue ornaments, so vintage and so pretty.

  22. Thank you for giving a wonderful shelter cat a home. I work on a committee to raise funds for our local shelter. We built a new safe shelter...yeah!
    Homa Style is having a 12 Days of Christmas link party going on now.
    I would love it if you linked up your vintage display. I love it!
    The link is

  23. They look like little globes. I love the colors. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  24. I love this, Angela! Such a cute way to display ornaments. Thanks for linking to the Open House party and Happy Holidays. Hugs, Sherry

  25. That's a great way to display ornaments! I'm inspired :) I love your wall too. I was contemplating doing that to one of my walls in the hallway but I'm too scared, lol! Happy Holidays!


  26. Angela, Thanks so much for sharing this creative idea on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Great project for Christmas, using candlesticks and ornaments. Love it!


  27. Love the way you displayed your vintage Christmas decor - they're gorgeous - love your new kitty too! Precious - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday - I will be featuring your post in this week's party.

  28. What a great idea to display ornaments on candle holders. After this year, I'll never pass up a great deal on vintage ornaments again! Thank you so much for linking up to the Better Late Than Never Christmas Inspirations bloghop.

  29. A beautiful display. I love the variety of candlesticks and all the vintage ornaments. I'm sharing your lovely vignette on my Once Upon a Firefly FB page.


Thank you so much for stopping by Number Fifty-Three! I look forward to your comments.