
Sunday, January 6, 2013

DIY Coffee Table Terrarium

With the cold, cloudy, snowy days we have here in New England in the winter I wanted to add something with life and greenery into my living room.

I (very easily and inexpensively) put together this terrarium for my coffee table.

I started with a large glass container; minus the cover (previously seen here). Then I collected the cacti and succulent plants I had scattered around the house and placed them in the jar. Honestly, I didn't even bother to transplant them. I bought all of these plants about 6-8 months ago at the garden store and they have fared quite well in their original pots.

I added $3 worth of rocks from the Dollar Store to keep the plants steady and disguise the pots and two brass camel place card holders for interest. 

I put the whole thing on this round graphic tray I got on clearance at Target a couple of months ago and added a larger brass camel.  I love, love, love brass and these have special meaning since they were brought to us years ago from Kuwait by a family member who was living/working there. (I love pieces with history and a story)!

And that is it! I actually find that cacti do better when not in direct sunlight and are watered sparingly; only when the soil is quite dry.






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  1. Looks great, so easy to take care of too! I bought my mother a terrarium last year and it is doing so well.

  2. Love it! I love cacti and succulents...never thought that you wouldn't have to transplant them. Your arrangement looks fantastic in that glass jar.

  3. That looks beautiful. I think everyone starts longing for some real GREEN this time of year. January must be the month for terrariums-I've seen a few today- xo Diana

  4. i never thought i would say this, but i totally love your camels!

  5. this is really really lovely! i need to stock up on dollar store rocks for my planting projects - maybe a bit more than usual to create something like this. ;)

  6. great statement coffee table piece. Love it. Well done. Thanks for sharing, liz

  7. It's so cute! Too bad the camel is from the other side of the world, because I totally want one now.

    Found you through the Blue Eyed Owl link up!

  8. Pretty terrarium! And I love the history behind the brass camels--nice.

  9. What a great idea, and it looks great! It reminds me that I really need at least one plant in my house during the winter, I miss my garden and am already dreaming of the flowers I'll plant this year. Thanks for sharing, I found your link at Cozy Little House - congrats on the feature! Mary

  10. That is beautiful!! Now, if I could convince my cats not to eat all plants (including cacti!)

  11. This is great and a wonderful way to add a little warmth to this winter season! I love the camels too, they are special pieces indeed!

  12. So pretty! I am your newest follower.

    Susan and Bentley

  13. Perfect way to bring some much needed life to the month of January!

  14. Oh I LOVE terrariums, this looks super on your coffeetable!!

  15. That is so cool Angela! My boys would actually enjoy that "pretty" as they like to call my decor. Thanx for partying at my place.

  16. Great project for January! Thanks for sharing at Simple & Sweet Fridays. So pretty on your table!


  17. Reminded me of my mums terrarium we had when we were kids. Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday

  18. I love the history behind the brass camels--nice.Thanks for sharing see more


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