
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

[Project Notebook] Furniture

I am always on the hunt for new vintage pieces of furniture.  First of all, I just love the quality and uniqueness of an older piece of furniture. Secondly, the cost is typically more reasonable than new (plus you know I love a good project).  I've collected some of my favorite inspiration pieces to share with you all today. Note that not all are vintage, but I love the look, nonetheless.

1 Source  2 Source  3 Source  4 Source  5 Source

P.S. To see more of the furniture that I love check out my Fantastic Furniture board on Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. i showed my husband a pic of something similar to that sofa and he liked it, too.... too bad we bought two new couches when we moved in!!! but oh i love it! and love that slab table!


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