
Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Evolution of our Hutch...

Sigh.  Anyone remember my never-ending hutch saga? While I loved the storage, I despised styling it and it's matchy-matchy vibe with the dining room table. We tried to sell it last summer, to no avail. It started out as stained wood, I painted it white and distressed it and then, realizing that white didn't mesh well with our style, repainted it black on a whim.  We also removed the upper glass doors and changed out the knobs for a more vintage feel. And, I have to say, my husband and I felt quite satisfied with it.  So why then, does it look completely different yet again?  Let me explain...

...this happened.

You all know we adopted Figaro from the local shelter back at the end of November.  When we got him he was named Rooftop. As in, he was found on a roof so that's what the shelter employees decided to name him. That should have been my first clue.  Let me tell you, this cat jumps on everything.  There are literally no limits with him. And, he has this little habit of jumping in the hutch and sliding down the front when he wants to get out; effectively scratching all the black paint off with his claws.

Apparently, before my first round of painting I should have sanded better, and maybe used some sort of adhesion primer. But, I'm not a professional... just a person who loves a little DIY and learning as I go.

So, a couple of weekends ago, when I was repainting the dining room Cloud Cover, I took my sanding block to the hutch, fully intending to eventually sand, prime, repaint and poly. There I was sanding the black and revealing the white and some wood when my husband walked in the room and said he loved what I did to the hutch. WHAT?  Same with my children and my Mom. Shocked. I continued sanding the entire piece and decided to go with it. Our dining room is pretty minimal and crisp so this is actually a nice contrast.

It kind of reminds me of something you would see on this show...anyone else watch it? I love me some Balki Bartokomous. ;)
There have been more changes to the dining room as well...more than just the paint color. Like we actually planked the accent wall. I'll share next week for sure!

Linking to:
DIY Show Off Mod Vintage Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia52 MantelsBeyond The Picket FencePhotobucket A Delightsome Life Rooted In Thymevif187Liz Marie Blog Boogieboard Cottage”FallFridays Unfolded



  1. love me some perfect strangers! the image is not showing up but i remember balki well! ;) and LOVE the hutch! i always love black with white peaking through. :) looks fabulous!

  2. I don't know why but when I paint a piece of furniture I always hesitate to distress it, I know that should be the next step in doing a piece but still I don't do it! I love your hutch so I know I like the distressed furniture, maybe one day.
    I can't wait to see the plank wall!

  3. This is amazing! I love the vintage look of it. Great painting techniques! Thanks for sharing Angela!

  4. I love the color and all your distressing. Thanks for the inspiration...I really need to give my dining room hutch some paint love.

  5. Hi Angela, the more I am seeing of your blog, the happier I get. Love the final? hutch project, and then when you mentioned Bronson, that just put me over the top. Can't wait for that show every week!!. Anyway, I am now your new follower and loving it..Happy Thursday..Judy

  6. It really does look cool, Angela- funny how sometimes our very best "designs" are just simple accidents, huh?

    Your kitty is cute, though- that naughty boy!

  7. I think the hutch looks fabulous. Your cat is so cute with his MASK...he could be named ZORRO! Thanks for sharing...

  8. I think it looks great! And believe me, as someone who has sold painted furniture for about twelve years, there's not anything that could prevent what that little stink is doing to your hutch. Those cat claws are sharp! He's a cutie.

  9. It think the hutch looks great. I have watched that show too and it is enjoyable.


  10. I love how this turned out, the heavy distressing really works on this piece!

  11. I LOVE your hutch! Looks great!! And your blog! I'm your newest follower!


  12. The hutch looks amazing! I love a happy accident! I can't wait to see how the planked wall turned out. I am thinking about trying that to my master bedroom. Life to the full, Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  13. This looks so great! I host a DIY link party every Monday and would love for you to join!

  14. I agree this looks great! Love the white coming thru the black. Have a great week, Laura

  15. Happy mistakes are the best, aren't they - it looks great! Thanks for sharing at Knick of Time Tuesday, Angela!

  16. Love the black and white--including the cute kitty ;).

  17. Love it Angela and I love the pretty displays inside it too!!

  18. Your paint job is so smooth! And distressed perfectly! I'm glad everyone loves it and you won't have to worry about it anymore! I'm wondering if kitty likes it now as well?

  19. Love your blog & absolutely love your hutch! My kitchen cabinets are painted black with the previous color having been white. I had my heart set on distressing them as I'm going for a very farmhouse feel in there but felt the contrast was too stark. So I've been living with 1 distressed cabinet....yes, company talks :) I've decided after seeing your beautiful hutch to just take the plunge. Thanks for sharing such a happy 'accident!'

  20. Thanks so much for linking to Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill. You are being featured tonight!
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and join me tomorrow night for Make the Scene Monday #64!

  21. Your hutch turned out gorgeous - nice job!

  22. I love this black hutch! Am browsing around your site your work. Following you on Hometalk too. Found you thru DIY party. Going to catch the next one. Have a great day!

  23. Angela it looks fab and love your kitty!! Thanx for partying!


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