
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chalkboard & Stenciled Eggs

I have to say, that while I love spring, I'm not a big Easter decorator.  My house is so neutral and simply decorated that bright colors and bunnies just don't seem to mesh.

So, it's taken me about two years of being on Pinterest to actually even start an Easter board. Weird, I know.  I've sifted through a lot of pins to find something that both inspired me and was nature based.

 I started by cracking some eggs closer to the pointier top, rather than in the middle like I typically would.  I cleaned out the shells and let them dry thoroughly.

I painted one shell with a few coats of chalkboard paint and, when dry, I rubbed it with a piece of white chalk.  Then, I added in a small pebble (for drainage) and a tiny fern that had sprouted itself in the pot with my large fern.
The remaining shells I left natural (they vary a bit in color and size because Martino gets our eggs locally from a coworker), and just simply stamped them with my alphabet stamps and black ink pad.

Now, to find a safe place to display these away from the mischievous little paws of Figgy!
You can check out my Spring and Easter board to see my inspiration for this project (and others) here.
Have a great rest of your week!

Linking to:
DIY Show Off Mod Vintage Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia52 MantelsBeyond The Picket FencePhotobucket A Delightsome Life Rooted In Thymevif187Liz Marie Blog Boogieboard Cottage”FallFridays Unfolded



  1. Love your minimalist Easter vignette, I love the stencils so much! And the chalkboard egg is so cool :)

  2. so cute! i LOVE these.

  3. I love these simple projects full of inspiration...have a great weekend...and thank you so much for sharing at The Inspiration Gallery...xo

  4. so cute! Little Bit

  5. I love how simple this is, yet makes such a big impact. I love the whole look of this. Beautiful display!

  6. Love the way you've done your eggs, so simple and yet SO effective!

    I took a look at your Pinterest board too, and was inspired with just how to present some eggs that I've covered this week with French inspired pics and words, and have become a follower, so thanks for that.

    Judi in the UK

  7. These are beautiful! I pinned them!

  8. I love these! I saw eggs cracked open like this with flowers sticking out (on another blog) and thought I'd try it. I love the little fern you planted in one of them and the stenciling on the others is so sweet! Perfect for Easter.

  9. this is so simple and beautiful! if i weren't so clutsy, i would actually want to try this! have a great weekend. :)

  10. I'm like you, I don't typically decorate for Easter it just doesn't really work with our house. I love everything about this project though and that it's simple yet so creative. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I saw that you were also featured over at The Inspiration Gallery! This is such a super cute project! I am pinning this one! Life to the full, Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  12. Even eggs are cuter with chalkboard paint! Love your words too - glad you shared at our spring party!

  13. I love those stenciled eggs! Thanks for sharing it on Monday Funday!

  14. Hi have inspired me to give these one more see I did something similar to your but put catnip as it looks so green and it on the windowsill by the kitchen sink for it to get a little bit of morning...surprise..eggs everywhere, dirt and total chaos...should had taken into consideration my 2 night owl cats somehow found it and had a late night party with it!...oh the post! Came by from BNOTP's party.

  15. Love the alphabet stamped eggs! So cute! Hmmm, I just happen to have some stamps like that. May have to give this a go!

  16. Angela, I love these. I have to say I only have some spring flowers out and some little nests. I love your eggs. Would love you to share them at my link party -

  17. Simply adorable!Thanks so much for sharing the great idea! Would love to have you visit me sometime.
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  18. Love the sweet little eggs with the little words stamped on what a clever creative little project, without costing any money, love that...

  19. These are so cute! Like you, I'm not an Easter decorator, but these would be so fun on the table for Easter dinner!!

    Jeannine @ The Concrete Cottage

  20. Angela this is beyond cute. I love this idea!


  21. How cool is that! My Easter decorating is limited to tablescapes and the front door - love that you painted the egg with Chalk Paint - very clever!
    I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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