
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

[Project Notebook] Home Office

I've mentioned on Facebook, more times than I can count, how much I truly cannot stand our office/classroom. It is a total disaster and collection of everything that doesn't work elsewhere in out home. And this is pretty much where we spend all our time, people! It needs to stop.  Since I buy mostly thrift, it will take me time to find all the right pieces, but that's to be expected. I'm reusing lots of what we already have and moving furniture from room to room (my oldest took most of the current storage up to his room for his makeover, so this is giving me a bit of a fresh start).  Oh, and since this is a tight space with lots of stuff (remember that this is both our office and homeschool classroom) I am picturing light and bright with lots of open storage.  Here's my inspiration:
1 Bliss  2 décor pad  3 unknown  4 Thistlewood Farm 
Now, I'm off to continue painting shelves (bright white, of course) for said office makeover.
Have a great day!


  1. Well you have inspired me. My office/craft room will never look like the pics BUT it could be cleaned up. I did crafts until my finace that lived with me had a massive stroke. I haven't been in it since. I look and become overwelmed. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So there you go - just put together a bunch of storage or simple shelves, paint the white and you'll be so much more satisfied with the rest of the stuff!

  3. Good luck! It is always so difficult to make a room multi task, but I think you'll figure it out & be happy when it's done!


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