Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mantel Update and one of my Best Thrift Score Finds Ever

Happy Thursday!

I've been trying to get these pictures up here for the last several days to share with you all.

Last week, I blogged a couple of times about Halloween projects and decorating (links at the end of this post), and several of you reached out to me asking when/why did I paint my mantel from black to white.

Let me explain mantel update five or six...sometimes it just takes a while to tweak something just perfectly, and since my home is where I can experiment with décor and design, it's not a big deal to me.

So, at this point, it's been a couple of weeks since I painted it. It was as horrible as you would have imagined. Going from something painted black to something painted white takes many, many coats. Not even to mention all the details and little nooks that I needed to use an artist brush on. (Note: It's hard to tell in these pics, but the top of the mantel is in planked cedar; rough side out.)

Secondly, the "why"...well even though this room has four windows, its insanely dark.  Two windows are covered by the front porch, and the side windows have several trees blocking the light. I needed to do something to lighten and brighten the space.  I have to say, I really pondered this one for a while, because I technically liked it black and how it flowed with our living room accent wall and our kitchen cabinets. But, in the end, I think white was the best option. 

Thank goodness I love it because we are renovating two rooms and working long hours on my furniture business, so I truly do not have the time to be painting the mantel over.

Lastly, I knew from the beginning of this makeover I wanted a large, ornate mirror to fill the space and to bounce light off of. Also, I knew I couldn't spend a lot of money and mirrors like that can sell for a few hundred.  Ready for this...we found this beauty for $20 at our local Goodwill.  That's basically the same price they sell smaller mirrors for. Plus, it's insanely heavy and pretty much exactly what I was looking for.

So, I finally feel like the dining room is coming together. I've struggled with it from day one, and still have some things to do, but I think the direction I'm headed in truly reflects my style.

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