Monday, November 11, 2013

Simple Fresh Gourd Garland

Remember right before Halloween when I took my oldest to the pumpkin patch and the owner gave us an empty bag to fill with gourds since it was their last weekend open?
Well, I finally got around to making the project I had wanted to do all along.

Ready? This is so super easy and fast.

You need gourds of your choosing, jute twine, scissors and a drill.
Take your fresh gourds and drill a hole where the base and neck meet. Make sure that it is large enough to fit the twine through. *Special precaution...I gently pierced the skin of the gourd with the drill bit before I started drilling for safety and extra stability. Also, make sure to drill straight down so that the hole goes through the gourd level, which will make it easier to string together later.*

I then strung the gourds together tying a large knot an either side of each gourd so that they would not slide around.

Almost done! Lastly, I tied a loop to either end of the twine so that it would be easy to hang.

I hung it up on a fence in our yard and the colors are just gorgeous up against the aged wood.

Don't you love this tree? It is one of the last remaining in our neighborhood with it's fall leaves.





Linking to: 

startathomeAll Things Thursday Blog Hop


  1. gorgeous....pinned...your newest follower. Christine from Little BRags

  2. super festive and cute! perfect for thanksgiving!

  3. It's awesome lady! I love everything nature and this is perfect!!!

  4. Too cute, never saw it before.


  5. Very cute. I love decorating with pumpkins, and gourds, and squash...

  6. ~ So sweet, simple, and easy to make. Thanks for sharing such a great idea.

  7. this looks beautiful on the fence next to the tree! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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