
Monday, December 3, 2018

Simple & Inexpensive Boho Christmas Tree

After I shared my Holiday Housewalk tour last week I was doing some cleaning and moved my couch back in front of the double window, which is typically where I have it, but had switched it over the summer for a change.

I had mentioned this on social media and brought up that I was contemplating bringing up by big tree and I got so many sweet comments and direct messages that I decided to go for it!

In all actuality, I had been wanting the tree up in time for the tour, but just wasn't feeling the inspiration just yet.

I put the big tree up Sunday and I am in love! Maybe my favorite variation yet! And it was so simple and really, really inexpensive!

I added all the white, frosted and clear ornaments that I had collected over the years. They are great to fill a tree on a budget and come from places like Walmart and craft stores.

Over the weekend we went to some antique and thrift stores and I picked up a handful of doilies for a couple of dollars a piece. I knew I wanted to use them for texture, interest and to give that boho vibe. I simply secured them into embroidery hoops from the craft store and tucked them into sparse areas on my tree.

 Lastly, we bought a huge bunch of dried eucalyptus (very affordable with a coupon from a craft store) and tucked those into the tree instead of traditional holiday picks. I love this because it makes the entire room smell amazing! It's cost effective as I can use it all year, and it gives the tree a really natural, earthy vibe without being overly Christmas.

I just love how this tree flows with the my everyday décor in the room. And, don't worry, since my other tree was so petite I just moved it into the dining room!

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